Many people seem to be unaccustomed to robot tank mode driving, where the left stick controls the left motor and the right stick controls the right motor.
Robot Tank Mode Driving
When the stick is moved forward, the corresponding motor speed is increased in the forward direction. When the stick is moved backward, the corresponding motor speed is increased in the backward direction. When the two control sticks are both pushed forward the robot moves forward. When the two control sticks are moved in opposite directions, one wheel rotates forward, the other rotates backward, and the robot turns.
An Alternative to Tank Mode Driving
People that play video games ask about having the controls set up so that the left stick controls speed forward and backward, and the right stick control turning by moving the stick left and right. This alternative method creates some interesting questions about how exactly to make this happen. In playing with this a bit, the following equations were developed. The next step would be to try out these relationships and see how the driving "feels".